SHRINKING MACHINE FOR OPEN KNITTED FABRICS, felt shrinking calender for the finishing in rolls of open knitted fabrics treated by stenter, with control of the dimensional stability. By working with the COMPTEX-RA, very good results can be obtained with 100% cotton knitted fabrics like:
- jersey
- piquet
- interlock
- plush
- rib fabric
- union fabrics
The COMPTEX-RA works in continuous by NON-STOP cycle, without adding any tension to the fabric, all the finishing phases, such as :
- centering of the fabric,
- selvedges stress relief shrinkage
- calendering, stabilization and rolling-up
- with automatic alignment of the fabric's roll edge
New finishing line for open width knitted fabrics dryed in stenter frame or in relaxing dryer, configurable according the needs of our customers.
Can be composed by:
- introduction group with pre - steaming unit
- Automatic centering device
- New compacting unit with increased productivity and high compaction rates. Machine is available with different heating systems; steam, oil, oil with electric resistances l New rubber compacting machine ( can be put in line with felt compactor)
- Non - stop rolling up device
- Simple folder
- Precision folder
- Rolling up device for big rolls
- Automatic or semi automatic packaging machine
- Labelling and bar - code reader
- Depending on customer's needs, machine is available in different widths

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